Radiant Self Compassion

The best learning platform for self study and personal development

Enjoy 24/7 access to high-quality self-paced courses developed by expert professionals in the areas of mind body therapy, somatic therapy, mindfulness coaching, and interpersonal education. Work at your own pace or one on one with a coach to experience personal transformation.
Who Are We

Why Radiant Self Compassion

Radiant Self Compassion is your sole destination for wellness resources, practice guides, coaching, somatic coaching, and so much more. Michelle & Tara have been creating and facilitating trainings in yoga, mindfulness, meditation, coaching, nutrition, and somatic healing and are excited to offer personal development courses that support personal wellbeing. 

Our mission is to provide the same quality of education that we provide in professional certifications to individuals who are looking to deepen their relationship with the present moment and improve their overall health. Clients can access free resources, on demand classes, and individual courses in addition to meeting with a certified yoga therapist, mindfulness coach, nutritionist, or somatic healer on a sliding scale. 

We're excited to support you on your journey. With the right tools and self awareness, true transformation is possible. Join our inclusive community and fortify your healing journey. 
  • Self-paced content that supports mind body integration
  • Media rich content to provide all learners with accessible learning options
  • One on one support when you need it most 
  • Ease of access to mind body providers specializing in yoga, mindfulness, meditation, nutrition, spirituality, and somatic healing

Enrich Your Life With Online Learning

Enjoy 24/7 access to high-quality e-learning developed by the most expert professionals